How to enrol your child
Complete our online application form
The earliest point of entry into the programme is for children who have had their 3rd birthday before and inclusive of the 31st of January in the year of attendance – ie. children who turn 3 after this date are ineligible for entry that year.
A waitlist fee and a copy of your child's birth certificate or passport is required with your application.
We are happy to answer any of your questions or show you around the preschool, just contact the centre for an appointment. For more information, please refer to our Information Brochure and Parent Handbook.
Enrolment policy
Priority 1 - All children currently enrolled at Gordon Community Preschool are offered a priority place for the following year. Within this category, places are offered according to date of application.
Priority 2 - Special circumstance – The decision to offer a special circumstance place is made by the Director in consultation with any or all of the following:
Parents of the child
Department of Education representative
Other professional personnel (Therapist, Doctor etc.)
Priority 3 - Given to children who fall into one or more of the categories as listed below:
Children who are at least 4 years old on or before the 31 July in that preschool year and not yet in compulsory schooling
Children who are at least 3 years old on or before 31 January and from a disadvantaged background (ie. from a family holding a Health Care Card and/or is Aboriginal)
Children with English as a second language (ESL)
Children with disabilities
Children who are at risk of significant harm (from a child protection perspective)
While GCP places the aforementioned categories among the third of our priority groups, consideration is given to:
Date of application
Available staffing, budget, resources to appropriately meet the needs of children with specific needs or requirements
Priority 4 - Children who have had a sibling attend the preschool, according to date of application. In order to receive priority parents must put their child’s name on the waiting list before his/her first birthday, otherwise the child’s name will be placed on the list according to date of application only.
Priority 5 - All other eligible children according to date of application. (That is, children who have turned three before January 31st in the year of attendance).
Gordon Community Preschool aims to welcome families from all cultures and ethnic backgrounds and to honour and respect diversity.