General Information
The Board of Management reserves the right to vary fees at any time.
Families who hold a low income Health Care card which includes both the child and parent names (with child listed as a dependent) or a pensioner concession card where the child is listed as a dependent are eligible to reduced fees via application to the Preschool Director.
The fees are calculated on a yearly basis and averaged out to give families an approximation of the daily rate. That is, we base our fees on a 41 or 42 week preschool year and multiply this by either 2 or 3 days per week, then divide by 4 to give us the term fee.
3 year olds are classified as children who turn four after July 31st of the year they are enrolled.
4 year olds are classified as children who turn four before July 31st of the year they are enrolled.
Fees are set in accordance with the Department of Education’s funding guidelines.
As the preschool is a non profit, community preschool, if family circumstances change and families no longer require fee relief, it would be appreciated if you could advise the preschool office.
Fees are payable in full, in advance of each term in order to secure your child’s ongoing preschool place.